
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Long Time, No Post

Hellooo Friends,

I am sorry for being away for a bit, but I had some issues.  I seem to have developed migraines and am not sure why.  I am sure it has something to do with my eyes, but I am not going to get down about it.  My father also suffers from them, so I guess its to be expected.  So, that is why I have been away.  I have been trying to keep from staring at a computer unless necessary (for work).  I did get a bit of my Anaconda done, and am now on full force.  I have 3 weeks left so I have to get moving.  A little a day makes such a difference.  Here is my progress so far.  I am almost done with half of the pic.  I am hoping to be done with half this week end so I can get started on the other half on Sunday.

I apologize if its blurry.  It looks blurry to me, but I can't really tell these days.  I will post a better (hopefully updated) pic tomorrow.  I am hoping that daily updates during the week will help keep me going. 
Its really pretty in person.  I wish my camera could capture the greens.  Love, love, love the greens.
Well folks, that's all for today.  I will be back tomorrow with another not so exciting episode of to stitch or to get some new stash.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

French Food - Updated

Last night I had a bout of insomnia.  The only good thing about insomnia (for me) is that I get to catch up on movies.  I was able to watch Julie & Julia.  Well.....  what can I say.  It inspired me, made me laugh, and made me wish I explored my writing.  I used to write all the time, but my immaturity took its toll and I got out of the habit.  BUT, enough of that!!!  I sooooo want to take up cooking.  Well, maybe throw in an actual recipe once a week for now.  I have my staples, but let's face it.  Nothing like the food in Julia Child's cook book.  I was lucky that my DS and I shared a blue berry muffin at the beginning of the movie because I undoubtedly would have been hungry by the end.  My poor baby seems to get insomnia with me.  He finally fell asleep and I continued with the movie.
Its a lovely film that I recommend, but I warn you now.  You will crave butter and maybe an adventure.  It helps that the main character writes a blog.  What better thing to blog about than a movie with blogging....  It also made me want to visit Paris.  I do love my little city, but an adventure would be nice.  The only problem is that I want to visit Paris in the 40's.  Everything was lovely in the 40's, well except maybe political strife, but fashion and cars, and manners were all so wonderful.  Its one of my favorite fashion eras.  Maybe I will just channel the time with picking up a copy of the cook book and trying my hand at the Beef Bourguignon.  I will of course need a new pot (I have been eyeing one I spotted at Walmart).  I know its not the ideal place to purchase cook ware, BUT this one is so pretty and a Paula Dean.  It MUST be good (he he he).  It takes about 2 1/2 hours to cook, so I will be doing this over the week end.
On the stitchy front, I finally have all of my supplies to do a flat fold.  It took two months of coupons to acquire all of it, but now that I have the expensive items, I know that I can do more with minimal cost.  Here is a pic of the fabric and the cording I purchased (well I tried to upload the pic).  It seems blogger is still having some issues.  I do hope they are able to fix them soon.  I am not sure that I want to learn another program.  But I am complaining again.  I will try again later today to get the picture up.  I will simply update this post.  Thank you for stopping by and wish me luck.  My kitchen and family may need the luck more than I do if this cooking inspiration keeps up.  ;)
It worked!!!!  Here is my pic.  :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Promised Pics and an Update

Hello All,

Its been quite a few days since my last post.  I have been pouting over the fact that blogger is having an attitude.  I hate not being able to comment, and well, I admit.  I was a bit frustrated.  But I am renewed. 

I finally have that perfect frog I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. This is the frog I picture speaking to me in Clint Eastwood's voice.

I had a bit of a visit from him yesterday during my anaconda stitch.  I squished him and moved on. I just had to share this pic because its the perfect frog.
Next are a couple of other pics from our zoo trip.  Not many but I thought these were really pretty.

White tigers are my favorite animal, but the orange tigers always draw me in.  I can't remember what specific type of tiger this is.  I will be sure to check on my next visit.  The rhino was napping when we walked by.  I wish I were napping right now too.
These were taken from a good distance.  I am very impressed with my little Nikon. 
On the stitchy front, I don't have much except an update on the Anaconda for Brody for LQ.  Its starting to shape up.  You can see the first two coils of the body.  I hate to type this because I tend to stitch less during the week, but my deadline is coming up.  I am planning on having the second coil and the third finished today.  I need to finish this page by the end of this week so I can do the back stitching on Saturday.  There are four pages total.  Two of the pages are not too bad, but the other is just as full as this one.  I am soooooo glad I began this stitch when I did.

Stoney Creek "Anaconda"
Well folks, I have to get back to work so I can earn more stitchy funds.  I will post again tomorrow with hopefully another update.  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Short Post

Well folks, I know I owe you some pics and an update. I still have that on the go, but I have been really busy. My DS decided to take on a new sleep deprived, constant eating, and new attitude personality. He is still cute, but I think he is practicing for the terrible two's.

I have a pic of a finish I completed last Friday, and just wanted to post it. I am going to try the flat fold finish after all. I will have a pic as soon as I acquire the final supplies (hopefully this week-end).

Lizzy Kate "A Sister"
 Here she is. I am really happy with the way it turned out. I wish I had better lighting so you could see the pink flowers in the background. They are tiny but set off the design perfectly. I am half way through the second one for Mama Lu's other sister and then I will begin "Daughters" by Lizzy Kate for their mother.

I used the recommended fabric, 28 ct. Joblean Lambswool by Wichelt and the DMC alternatives. My DS loves touching the threads as I work, so I need something washable. I stitched over 2.

Next week I should be able to down load the zoo pics with that wonderful pic of the frog that I know haunts my stitching. and an update on the Love Quilt square. I also have some grass in my yard and new landscaping I need to share (just because its been a few days and is still living - he he he). Type to ya next week. Have a wonderful, stitchy filled week-end.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011